Sunday, March 17, 2013

Stuffed Bell Pepper

One of my favorites growing up and now a favorite to make, this recipe was passed down from my mom.  It is easy to double for company and makes great leftovers as well.  It requires a few of the same ingredients as the turkey burger from the previous post so you could plan to make these the same week and use up your stuff!
¼ lb ground turkey
½ cup sautéed mushrooms
¼ cup chopped broccoli
2 tablespoons sautéed onion
½ cup spaghetti sauce
½ cup cooked brown rice
1 hallowed bell pepper
¼ cup shredded cheddar cheese

Preheat over to 375.
Cook ground turkey over medium-high heat until done.  Add all remaining ingredients-except the bell pepper- into the pan and mix thoroughly.  Spoon mixture into the hallowed out bell pepper and sprinkle cheese on top.  Place bell pepper in glass baking dish with a ¼ inch or so of water on the bottom of it.  Cover with foil and bake for 45 minutes or until bell pepper is as tender as desired.   


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